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Why I Chose Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Health Certification

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I’ve always been passionate about everything health and wellness related.  I actually enjoy scouring over the newest research in the field, late into the night, while my peers might choose binge watching the Bachelor on tv.  I think the proper term for it would be “health nerd”.  I especially became enamored with “alternative” or functional approaches to healing when I hit snags in my own health journey.  Doctor after doctor, test after test.  It began to seem like they were just throwing darts at the wall and charging me a ton of money for it! NOBODY had answers for me.  Some told me that my “test results looked normal”, so nothing could be wrong.  Which is common in the world of conventional medicine.  As long as your test results are within what they consider “normal range”, the rest doesn’t matter. The thing is, most doctors will only order standard testing that is more like a snapshot of one part of your body, instead of functional testing that will capture the entire movie of how all of your body systems work (or aren’t working) together.


I began requesting some of these lab tests from my doctor, and more or less convinced him that it wasn’t hurting anything, if only wasting my own money. I would then spend hours and hours researching to come up with possible solutions for whatever was going on in my body.  While I learned a lot and had some improvements, it was very time consuming.  My friends and family also began asking for advice and help with their health, which I just didn’t feel confident enough doing, without more of a tried and proven system in place.  At this point, I began looking into getting certified as a health coach.


Holy Moly!  There are so many health coaching programs on the market! I’m going to save you possibly months of research here by breaking down why I chose Functional Diagnostic Nutrition for my certification.


I’m going to get one thing out of the way right from the start:  FDN is NOT the cheapest program on the market.  So, if that’s the deciding factor for you, then I would like to save you from reading any further.  I will say this also.  I worked as a course enrollment specialist for FDN.  I lost track of the number of people who I spoke to who had paid for another course first, realized it was not very useful to them having a health coaching business at all, and now were enrolling in Functional Diagnostic Nutrition to make up for everything they felt that other course lacked.  Lesson of the story:  Why waste your time, energy, and money?  Learn from their mistakes/regrets 😊 This is a case where you get what you pay for. Don’t choose a course based on the celebrity names that endorse it, or offered content (hint: you can probably find this content online somewhere for free, or you might already know it because it barely scratches the surface of the vast knowledge in existence).


So, what sets Functional Diagnostic Nutrition apart from those other disappointing courses?